Beamish Primary School

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Our Curriculum


At the Beamish and Pelton Federation, we aim to provide an interesting and enriched curriculum that enables pupils to become enthusiastic, curious learners and respectful, responsible citizens who know how to keep themselves safe. We aim to raise aspirations so that children know that if they believe, they really can achieve.


For all curriculum subjects, teachers plan and assess against carefully organised learning objectives to continually build upon and extend knowledge and skills. Our carefully planned ‘Curriculum Enrichment’ enhances this further, ensuring that by the time they leave us, children have had a wide variety of opportunities and experiences. Teachers encourage children to ask questions and articulate their thinking, gaining an increasing vocabulary while making links across their learning.

Curriculum Plans

Here at Beamish Primary, we teach mixed age classes. Below are the curriculum maps for each class which we follow and adapt as a two year cycle.

Non-negotiables for Reading, Writing and Maths

Below you will find our school’s ‘non-negotiables’ for Reading, Writing and Maths across Years 1 to 6 which may be helpful to parents. These show the key objectives that children should have secured before the end of the year.

Home Learning

We encourage our pupils to enhance their learning at home by accessing assignments or homework set by the teacher on Microsoft 365. In addition, we use the following websites across curriculum subjects and for home learning:

The children have usernames and passwords for these sites.

British Values

Please select the link below to view how we promote British Values here at Beamish and Pelton Primary schools. Promoting British Values in Beamish and Pelton Federation of Schools

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Beamish Primary School, we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. Further information can be found in the SEND Information Report.  If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment. Further information on SEND provision is available on the SEND tab above.

Our Subjects

Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1035)







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