Beamish Primary School

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School Performance


‘Beamish Primary School is a caring school where pupils are happy. Leaders, staff and governors want the best for all pupils. Pupils behave well in lessons. They listen attentively. They take pride in what they have learned’ - Ofsted, 2021

Following our Ofsted Inspection on the 12th October 2021, We are very pleased to inform you that Beamish Primary School continues to be a GOOD school. We are delighted that Ofsted have acknowledged that we have an amazing school and a supportive community.

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted regulate and inspect schools and colleges to seek improvement in the service. They carry out large number of inspections and regulatory visits in England and publish their finding on their website.

Our Ofted report can be found here.

Department for Education

Many Parents are keen to see how we are performing in relation to other schools.

View Beamish Primary School’s performance tables. When year groups are below 10, no data is shown as individual children’s performance may be recognised.

Unvalidated KS2 results for 2018-19 are in the attached document.

Beamish KS2 data 2018-19

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You can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools and colleges in your area. You can check:

  • exam and test results
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You can only see statistics for schools and colleges in England.

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