Beamish Primary School

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Year 1/2/3

Children are taught together and learn through carefully chosen key skills which allows for personalised learning. To find out more about what the children have been learning this year, please use the links below.

Our Learning

Autumn 2023/24

During Autumn, Neptune Class will be focusing on Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus in History. We will be learning lots of interesting facts about both of these men and finding out why they are famous. You will receive a copy of the topic Knowledge Organiser which will share with you and your child lots of facts that you can read together at home.

Keeping on the theme of space, we will be reading Aliens love Underpants, Man on the Moon and Beegu during literacy and the children will be writing some super space stories. We will also be designing some of our own aliens who can be characters in our story. I wonder what all the aliens will look like?

In science, we will be thinking about ‘How do astronauts survive in space?’

Columbus and Armstrong KO

Aut 1 Topic Web

Summer 1

During Summer 1st half term Neptune class have been reading the book Mufaro’s beautiful Daughters. We have retold parts of the story, acted out the story and wrote a sequel. In Geography we explored Africa and compared it to a seaside village in the UK. To end the half term, we recited and performed some African poetry and then wrote our own African animal poems. During PE, we learnt an African dance.

In science, we have been learning about microhabitats. We designed a bug hotel and then put our ideas together to create a class bug hotel. 

Bug Hotel

In art we have been exploring the work of Paul Cezanne. He painted still life, landscapes and portraits. We took inspiration from his work and painted our own still life art. 

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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